Millions of aspiring artist, seek to become the next star but they have no idea of how to survive the business. Unlike other books written from a 'safe' perspective or from fear of losing future business, we provide the uncut truth with proof! SWP, LLC has compiled a set of books which shed light on the darkest side of big business and the 'system' that profits. It is through these titles that Lovelace has an opportunity to shed light on the tactics that are used to deprive rights, manipulate events which are used to facilitate public support. We have developed multiple intertwined, products and programs that expose unethical practices and that are both, beneficial and profitable. We also offer others the opportunity to utilize our invaluable products through our licensing rights options. This Blog is not just for the aspiring artists but it is also for those who are interested in learning how the world actually operates. See for yourself:
Written By Tiwanda 'Ne Ne' Lovelace, Managing Member of SWP, LLC/7 West Publishing Full BIO:
Experience: A Great Teacher!
One Generation at a Time!
I would like the
opportunity to speak with you about the possibility of your constituents,
schools and organizations having access to
pertinent, life-saving facts provided through your offices and
organizations under regional licensing rights agreement. I am a strong believer
that an individual’s current circumstances do not dictate their future. In
fact, the level of opposition directed towards this venture should confirm it’s
validity. Usually when a business idea conflicts with the goals of a major competitor,
those ideas rarely see the light of day. Even when an idea can be extremely
beneficial to many, they face great opposition and are widely rejected without
consideration to the good that they can bring. Although this approach is
unorthodox, I assure you that this business proposition will not disappoint.
Every movie,
program or publication that has been authored, created or promoted about the
music industry either places blame on the Artists, a rogue industry personnel
or 'power crazed' independent label owner. The focus is never placed on the
misconduct and abuse of powerful, well-connected lawyers, officials or the
courts. The billion-dollar major labels are never held accountable. It is not necessary
to attack an entire industry; however, by focusing on exposing 'standard'
practices, we can render many tactics and methods used to exploit...useless.
Although many
have protected themselves in every way, many artist, writers and producers have
been denied the opportunity to even pursue their claims. Meanwhile, the entire
process facilitates betrayal, initiates competition among its writers,
producers and battles for royalties. These battles and unethical practices have
had a history of grossly, negatively impacting many unsuspecting communities
across the globe.
All other
products about the business are always from ‘safe’ perspective, so it is more
likely that those who are connected directly to the business will not author
products that may jeopardize future business dealings.
Seven West
Productions, LLC offers solutions and options! We empower our aspiring youth with the
ability to stipulate between options and the ability to distinguish a good
opportunity from deceitful practices. By offering the opportunity for
the use of licensing rights, we can utilize our intellectual property to ensure
that future generations across the globe will have a chance to recognize and
utilize the information contained in these lifesaving publications. We have
developed a business idea that offers multiple intertwined, products, courses
and programs that are derived from a lifetime of experience, based on actual
This venture is both, profitable and beneficial. Review our Full
Licensing Rights Proposal. If you are interested in Seven West Productions,
let's connect to discuss the many available opportunities. Reply or Email: Review our Full
Licensing Rights Proposal. Review our online courses:
Thank you for
your consideration,
Tiwanda Lovelace,
Founder and Managing Member
Seven West Productions , LLC - 7 West Publishing
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum 30/40/50 Program
In addition to offering licensing rights, we are also open to other sponsorship opportunities.
SWP, LLC has developed this program in order to offer multiple groups, organizations or other companies an opportunity to raise funds and to create awareness while educating our aspiring artist, writers and producers!
It is our goal to encourage all to make the music industry our business in order to prevent predatory industry practices from destroying more lives! By offering our Platinum 30/40/50 Program, we believe each organization will help prevent future harm; thus, greatly improving each artist chances at success.
We provide documentation which demonstrate how to avoid the tactics and methods used. We give our members the opportunity to benefit from others knowledge and experiences with the music business.
This program can serve as a guide so that your aspiring artist writers and producers will be able to recognize unethical practices and avoid pitfalls.
Our packages and programs are for organizational use. They include multiple learning tools designed for Youth organizations to educate large classes or groups on the inner workings of the entertainment industry - (i.e. powerpoint presentation, videos, # of publications, # of comic strips, # of comic books…)
We provide online portal access for discount on future purchases.. Group packages and products can be reused for repeat classes.
Let's ensure that future generations across the globe will have a chance to become fully equipped and prepare them to make well-informed decisions regarding their career path.
Let's work together to prevent shattered dreams from leading to new drug users, severe depression and even suicide.
Offer our program and Become a Catalyst for Change!
Music Transforms - Comic Book
Imagine a comic book which provides detailed, valuable information for aspiring songwriters and others without having to read 300 pages. This comic book depicts the many tactics and methods used against the aspiring artist and writer.
Although presented with a little humor, this comic book will reach those who otherwise would not be able to find this information elsewhere among the many misleading other options available.
The proceeds raised will fund the production of standard-sized, coated, perfect bound comic books and the legal fees associated with securing trademarks, patents and necessary permission.
A portion of the comics have already been copy-written as a part of an educational project for aspiring artists. Our test results have reflected the need for visual stimulation and through the use of satire to engage our viewers.
When addressing important issues, the use of satire improved our ability to generate interest in comparison to a textbook sized publication. The increase in the generation of adult comics, graphic novels and animation has definitely had an impact on our society. It is used as forum in a wide range of topics; such as, politics, social issues and many more.
Why not began a whole new area of addressing the 'ugly, cold, hard truth' with regards to all things in our society? This comic book doesn't just apply to a specific business but it can be applied to the many aspects from business to obstacles in our daily life. With your help and support, this comic book can enlighten individuals across many groups while using humor to create much needed dialogue about important subject matters.
Please take a moment to contact us if you are interested in sponsoring any of our planned events or to discuss any ideas that you may have on supporting this important project.
Examples of Comics:
Given a chance, we can prove our value to your prestigious organization. Looking forward to hear from you soon. I am also available for seminars, speaking engagement.
Thank you for your time!
Tiwanda Lovelace, Founder and Managing Member
Phone: (702) 900-4087 or (702) 860-0116
Although legally established in February 2013, Seven West Productions was originally
created in Michigan, April 1995 as a music production company under a Co-Publishing agreement with Zomba Music Group/Jive Records.
These titles reflect the entire process and expose the atrocities from the start of a career in music to the battle with corruption and abuse of power that destroy lives. Everyone has a story but the atrocities that have been allowed to continue blatantly will shock even the most weathered individual.
It is through these titles that Lovelace has an opportunity to shed light on the tactics that are used to deprive rights, manipulate events which are used to facilitate public support. These publications provide detailed proof of corruption and collusion.
Author/Plaintiff has suffered continued opposition from many governmental agencies who has 'under color of law' taken housing and gainful employment. Plaintiff has been barred from obtaining legal representation due to parties involved. Without stable housing and living conditions, until now litigant had been physically unable to compile the necessary supporting documentation (See COM-COMPLAINT OF MISCONDUCT pgs. 71).
Plaintiff has been subject to years of unnatural opposition, persecution due to negative public opinion on lawsuits against state/governmental entities; thus, giving 'Carte Blanche' or a license for obstructing justice and deprivation of rights.
If your loved one shows serious interest in a career in music, you are right to be concerned. Most people who are interested in the business are very determined. I would not try to outright deter them because you may risk alienating yourself. I would focus on encouraging them to learn the tactics and methods used by most industry personnel spanning from the bottom to the top..
The book shows how those in the industry literally infiltrate the lives of its victims in an effort to gain their trust. Befriending them is a part of the process to determine their weaknesses while exposing them to sex, drugs and more.
Not only is it a male dominated industry, most of the men that she would have access to are completely manipulative, self-serving and have low regard for women. I call them the Gatekeepers. They pretend to be well educated, decent human beings who are well-known in their communities. While hiding behind their money and connections, they manipulate events and make decisions that the ‘masses’ will hold YOU accountable for.
Everyone who has 'made it' has endured major hardships and have been robbed of royalties, dignity and much worse.
These Gatekeepers are not going to simply walk others through the door to a successful career without taking everything. They get their money from doing the same thing to the next person so they are not there to help others become successful.
If the interested individual is unwilling to sacrifice, deliver and subject themselves to the Gatekeepers plans and desires, they will bully, vilify and betray her.
This 'system' that allows the 'business' to operate with impunity has been in place for a very long time. Instead of acknowledging the darkest parts of the business which has had a negative impact on society, the industry is glorified...luring more unsuspecting victims.
Although you can not make anyone heed your warning, you can choose to be there for them. If they keep heading down that path, they're going to need you and these publications.
They will need your support in order to survive the 'sea of monsters' and the 'Gauntlet of Revenge Seekers' who will be gunning for them because of manipulated events. These titles reflect the entire process and expose the atrocities that destroy lives.
Unlike other heart-wrenching, 'sob' stories about loss and betrayal, these books provide unquestionable proof of corruption, supporting documentation which demonstrates unethical behavior, deliberate and willful gross misconduct.
These titles provide supporting documentation which implicate numerous prominent and well-connected individuals. These publications that were released and promoted by Seven West Productions, LLC /7 West Publishing are definitely exposing decades of corruption.
Please consider that the information on these blogs, websites and titles are also in direct conflict with multiple entities and groups. How much effort do you think those negatively affected would put into avoiding accepting responsibility? What do you think that those major entities and prominent individuals would do to prevent exposing decades of corruption and deliberate wrongdoing? Using influence, position and power, how hard would it be to take the attention from the message?
Due to her love of writing, Lovelace started writing in junior high school. It was then that she realized that writing was her passion. Lovelace loved writing poems and singing so sought a career as a lyricist in the hopes of using this as an opportunity to gain financial freedom and hope for a future outside her impoverished life in Detroit, MI. She never realized that her plans interfered with someone else’s. She never realized the depths that ruthless corrupt individuals will sink for revenge!
As human beings, we all would like to believe that no matter what obstacles we face, ultimately we have rights…but what do we do when the world we live in attempts to openly bully you out of those rights?
There were the major attorney’s encouraging the signing of contracts that they knew would later be used to steal musical works. After signing Co-Publishing agreement, there were multiple copyright infringements across multiple major record labels but even with copyrights, all legal assistance was denied.
There was the politicians and officials who refused to acknowledge blatant violations; both, civil and criminal. While egos were flying, each attempting a show of a force of power, through manipulation and violence…
Lovelace was unaware of the conflicts, disputes and entities in competition with each other over power and royalties. The officials definitely were not trying to help and anyone who tried was caught up in a world wind of racism, sexism and more violence.
Lovelace was unaware of the conflicts, disputes and entities in competition with each other over power and royalties. The officials definitely were not trying to help and anyone who tried was caught up in a world wind of racism, sexism and more violence.
Although Lovelace was never addressed, consulted or considered in any aspect of ‘their’ business; suddenly, she was to blame.
When Lovelace first started writing about the horrible atrocities that was being perpetrated against her, it was her intent to use these titles to bring attention so that she could obtain legal assistance. However, due to privacy violation, abuse of power and manipulated events, every attempt was not only thwarted but she was faced with overwhelming opposition and harassment.
She was unaware that the 'system' which is supposed to guarantee our rights, could care less about a black female from Detroit. Especially, the daughter of a man currently serving a life sentence for killing a police officer and another well-connected individual. Due to actual violence committed by multiple groups, bullies launched a campaign to induce deliberate hardship which lasted for decades. Subjected to forced unwarranted homelessness, when officials illegally took her housing and employment while the public pointed, mocked and cheered. Every attempt to seek assistance has been hindered by the manipulations of multiple ‘warring’ entities and an angry public. Every possible group that could have provided assistance has conveniently been negatively impacted so as to dissuade assistance.
This title is presented through this artist/writer’s eyes while experiencing multiple tragedies and events. Emotionally charged, this title clearly expresses the pain and anger of being betrayed, sacrificed and scorned. Inside, are the actual documentation and files used to demonstrate some of the tactics used to steal artist lives, deny rights and enslave the artist. This title is compiled using personal journals, public records, contracts, copyrights and other documentation which demonstrates how it is allowed to continue.
Exposing almost every dirty deed against an individual deemed and regarded as disposable! It is her goal to one day to actually be able to exercise her rights to be treated like a human being and to be able to hold those accountable for depriving her rights to life without persecution and dehumanization.
To this day, Def. Dekalb County Police, has refused to correct, update CGIC and forward corrections to CJIS (Federal). Recently, records reflect inaccurate information, charges and recently displayed a photo of a black male as being Plaintiff (See COM-COMPLAINT OF MISCONDUCT Pg. 70).
Regarding questions as to my character, when you research my background…the information that will be shown is inaccurate, false charges and exaggerate offense so as to attempt to justify deprivation of rights. The Court’s disregard for minority female plaintiff has led to recent incident where Plaintiff was detained, handcuffed, paraded due to inaccuracies maintained on CGIC and CJIS (Criminal Background Reports). The behavior of the Courts/Clerks not only condoned the Def. actions prior to the Complaint but facilitated the continuation of violation of and deprivation of rights...which continues today.
Everyone who is in a position of addressing the many atrocities that have been forced on individuals, seek to present themselves as upstanding, decent, law-abiding citizens who actually care about civil rights and human rights; yet, they turn a blind eye and continue to profit from the violence like it's a sport. While the Artists/Songwriter's name is sullied and drug through the figurative 'mud,' those who profit, hide. They pretend to separate themselves from the inhumane treatment and dehumanization of many who fall a victim to a 'system' that vilifies ANY who would call attention to the truth.
Learn about how every resource and outlet is used in an effort to initiate hardship on those who insist on exercising their rights while discouraging their desire to seek resolution as if to say, 'Let it go!' 'We do this to everyone so there is no hope...'
Learn the entire process which demonstrates egregious intent to influence a sense of hopelessness. When the smell of violence was fresh and 'street justice' was being used inflict further damage, the initial response from professionals (both, legal and official) was, "(We) can't help you..." Everyone has a story but the atrocities that have been allowed to continue blatantly will shock even the most weathered individual...Learn how the world actually operates. LEARN MORE...
SWP, LLC has compiled a set of books which shed light on the darkest side of Big Business and the ‘System’ that profits. Licensing rights are available in your region for controversial publications expose major corruption, abuse of power, privacy violations, rape, bullying, etc… against U.S. citizens.
It is through these titles that Lovelace has an opportunity to shed light on the tactics that are used to deprive rights, manipulate events which are used to facilitate public support. We have a great business idea and we are seeking a partner(s) who will see the not only the financial value in supporting this business venture but also recognize the potential to positively impact the lives of many.
Thank you,
Tiwanda Lovelace
Seven West Productions , LLC -
7 West Publishing
Copyright © 2013 - All rights reserved.
Created and Written by Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace
No part of this document, blog or books may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages.
Learning the Business Side of the Music Business!

Millions of aspiring artist, seek to make it in the music business but they have no idea of how to survive the business. Unlike other books written from a 'safe' perspective or from fear of losing future business, we provide the uncut truth with proof!
From the Gatekeepers, to contract and to the courts, we address every aspect of doing business and how to survive it. We prepare and fully equip our consumers regarding the tactics and methods used considered 'standard' practice by most professionals.
Let's talk credibility. Who is more credible someone who shows and demonstrate facts using actual documentation or those who profit from withholding the truth?
No one will admit that copyrights are worthless and that well-connected individuals use influence and money to dominate and to steal lives.
Let us demonstrate to you exactly how the business operates!
If your loved one shows serious interest in a career in music, you are right to be concerned.
Most people who are interested in the business are very determined. I would not try to outright deter them because you may risk alienating yourself.
We focus on encouraging them to learn the tactics and methods used by most industry personnel spanning from the bottom to the top...
Let us show you some of the tactics and methods used by industry personnel!
This course which are derived from our titles, reflect the entire process and expose the atrocities from the start of a career in music to the battle with corruption and abuse of power that destroy lives. Everyone has a story but the atrocities that have been allowed to continue blatantly will shock even the most weathered individual.
It is through these courses and titles that Lovelace has an opportunity to shed light on the tactics that are used to deprive rights, manipulate events which are used to facilitate public support. These publications provide detailed proof of corruption and collusion.
Please consider that the information on these blogs, websites and titles are also in direct conflict with multiple entities and groups.
Although I try to make learning fun, this information can be the difference between having a successful career or becoming the next victim.
Learn what they don't want you to know!
Created by
Price: $29.99 USD
Save 30% - Use Coupon Code: (SAVE30)
Save 50% - Use Coupon Code:(SAVE50)
*Limited supply. Offer expires October 31st
Course Includes:
1. LESSONS 1-6 - The Uncut, Jaw-dropping Truth About the Music Business!2. Free Download! Choose (1) of the following titles:
Music Business: It's a Dirty Game! eBook* 350 pages* ($15 Value)
Music, Murder and Mayhem-A True Story! eBook* 150 pages ($10 val.)
3. Music Transforms - (3) Comic Strips via download. ($5 Value)
4. Discounts on publications, comic strips, other learning tools and more…
*Free Samples of each titles are available before you chose your free copy!
Don't miss out!
If you want the uncut, jaw-dropping truth about the Music Business!
Enroll Now
Table of Contents
Uncut Jaw-Dropping Truth about the Music Business!INTRODUCTION
● Meet the Team
● Overexposure: Giving Too Much
● Show Off Your Talents
● Bosses, Bullies and Bums
● Is age a factor?
● Copyrights: Is it enough protection?
● Navigating the 'Haters'
● The Set Up
● What About Your Friends?
● Initial Consultation
● Finding Your Lawyer
● Conflict of Interest
● Big Mistakes
● Seeking Help?
● Double Dealing
● Love and Other Drugs
● Bullies at Work!
● The Bait
● Half-Way Crooks
● The Advance
● Life Insurance Clause
● Summary
Enroll Now
The Set Up
I would like to give you an example of why it is so important to choose your associates and friends carefully.
Let's say that you have been working with some individual(s) and everything seems fine.
You're working on great projects and it seems like you are on the right track. Then suddenly they offer you a contract without any kind of offer, mention or discussion of money.
They do not want to acknowledge all of your years of juggling work, school, home and efforts in the business. Of course, no one is going to sign a contract without some kind of money as a show of sincerity and good intention.
What you do not know is that when you refuse, these same people will tell everyone in the business that you tried to cut them out or go around them.
All the while, you will have no idea of what is being said but everyone will believe and act accordingly.
It does not have to be a contract issue but it can be any reason as to why it would be necessary for anyone who is connected to justify vilifying you.
It is that simple. Now all of their buddies that are already in the business will either pretend to show interest so that they can steal your materials and ideas, only to help 'blackball' you later. Then the 'games' really begin.
Whether you choose to make the decision to begin a working relationship with someone or not, there are consequences.
Some of these men or women may even belong to different groups who may be or may have already been negatively impacted by your decisions. Your attempts to survive the business may conflict with others plans and they may only intend to cause you harm as some form of revenge.
There was another situation where an artist went to her 'friend' who was an attorney associated to local producers. She asked for assistance with an issue between two separate local producers and one major publishing company.
Neither of the two local producers wanted to give her anything for her work. Well, he advised her to work with the major label directly. He advised that he would send one of the local producers a 'Cease and Desist' letter because he was taking credit for her work.
She trusted his decision; however, years later, she discovered that this 'friend' and lawyer sent the 'Cease and Desist' letter to both local producers. She had continued working with one under the contract with the major publishing label without knowing that he was harboring ill-intent.
This being said, those who have been associated with the business for any length of time know how to manipulate.
It is impossible to build a relationship if these individuals only see you as a means or tool for their advancement. You may think that just because you may work with someone, it doesn't mean that they own you. Meanwhile, they are thinking that 'you are in their house.'
Most are not trying to build a relationship; that is, unless they can take it all (just like someone did them). Because of this philosophy, most artist succumb to the will of their tutor out of fear of displeasing them. All because they are convinced that the individual has complete control over their entry into the business.
- The Bait, The Advance and other Clauses are discussed. Learn what you don't want to see in your contract. Learn other options to suggest.
The Bait
Below this article is a copy of an actual contract portion listing most of the major labels and record companies:
Contracts are used to solicit musical works from its own writers and afterwards parts of works are taken (or materials gutted).
After these gutted works begin to be played in constant rotation, then in their defense of copyright infringements, they used this same contract to state that they can choose not to pursue your infringements.
In the beginning they exaggerate their interest in offering you an opportunity for recording artist deal while ‘working’ you for materials after giving a little up-front compensation.
Later, they will state in their defense that ‘you refused to pursue claims’. Pursue claims…with what?
See the following clause in the 'standard' contracts:
They offer a very small amount for initial investment with full knowledge that after they steal your material, any attorney would require an enormous amount of money for a retainer in order to represent you.
Your line of thinking will not be clear because you will take into consideration all of your time dedicated to the business. You will consider your talent and convince yourself that no matter what happens with the contract, your talent will bring success. You believe that your work will generate profits and that you will have your royalties from your protected works.
You are so close and have come so far to turn back now. You don't want to step on their toes so you think that you are finally on your way.
Don't miss out!
It's the best course ever, if you want the uncut, jaw-dropping truth about the Music Business!
Questions about this course?
Contact the creator.
Make this program available through your organization to educate your youth for decades to come! Group packages are for organization use and can be reused for repeated classes. Schedule your appointment to lean more...
Copyright © 1990 - 2013 Created and Written by Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace All rights reserved.
No part of this blog or books may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages.
For more information, please contact Email: or Ph. (702)900-4087 or (702)860-0116
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